In the recent times of COVID-19 pandemic, life seems to have turned upside down, surrounded by fear and uncertainty everywhere.

Can homeopathy help in such difficult times?

Historically, homeopathic remedies have known to be highly successful in pandemics and epidemics. If we scroll the history, homeopathy has proven to have low mortality rate, i.e. during the times of Cholera, Spanish Flu etc. More recently between 2009-2010, according to Finlay Institute in Cuba, 90% of the population received homeopathic preventive medicine for respiratory diseases and influenza, including AH1N1, with successful outcomes and a significant reduction in mortality. Other diseases in Cuba were successfully healed using Homeopathy, such as Hepatitis A, Dengue, and Leptospirosis.

Homeopathic remedies have been used rigorously for flu-like symptoms and in epidemics around the world. Homeopathic medicine should be taken in addition to the various measures mentioned below. Selection of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine is based on an individual’s unique symptoms and temperament. Homeopathic remedies have proven to give good results in PCOD, Hormonal imbalance, Tumours and cysts in breasts, Fibroids, Pigmentation, Morning sickness, Obesity to name a few.

Even though it hasn’t been proven that homeopathy can alone treat coronavirus but certainly it is an evident fact that homeopathy certainly does help in preparing our body to fight against the coronavirus.

Homeopathic options can form one part of your approach to the current Covid-19 outbreak but should always be used alongside other measures. If you have current symptoms or are concerned that you may have been exposed to coronavirus, it is important to call for medical assistance (hospital) to seek appropriate advice, in keeping with current guidelines.

In the meantime, if we become ill – be it a common flu virus or Corona, how can we best treat ourselves and those around us?

  • First and foremost is the self-care which includes the practice of handwashing and keeps ourselves safe.
  • Sneeze or cough into our elbows rather than into the air – this will also reduce the amount of virus that gets spewed out into the air.
  • Try to avoid anti-fever agents like aspirin or Tylenol because our body’s immune systems work a little better at higher temperatures – 100 – 101 degrees.
  • Consider homeopathic remedies to mitigate the symptoms of the illness while you are developing immunity to it.
  • Gargle with warm water adding a pinch of salt to it.
  • Regular steam inhalation
  • Put Oregano oil in nostrils
  • Drink turmeric boiled water, ajwain water and ginger water.
  • Special care should be taken by elderly and kids. They should refrain from going out. If kids have tonsillitis, they should be given symptomatic homeopathic medicine immediately

Match the remedy to the major symptoms, and there can be significant relief through homeopathy. With no side-effects there isn’t any harm in strengthening your immune system to fight better with Covid pandemic.

Of course, if the disease progresses and person’s respiratory system is not strong enough to resist it, then respiratory support may very well become necessary – and that necessarily requires hospitalization.

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