1. What diseases can be treated with homeopathy?
Homeopathy treats all kinds of diseases be it functional disorders or chronic illness. It also treats diseases related to digestion, nervous system, mental disorders, women problems, skin diseases and many more. More than diseases Homeopathy treat the symptoms which treats the problem as a whole.
2. Can children and pregnant women be treated with Homeopathic medicines?
Homeopathy treats patients of all ages. It has no contraindications, no interaction with other drugs and no adverse effects. Pregnant women can be treated without risk known to them or the child. Homeopathy treatment is the best medicine for morning sickness in pregnant women.
3. Can Homeopathy help me in losing weight?
Yes. Proper diet change in eating habits and lifestyle plus proper symptomatic homeopathic treatment leads to significant weight loss.
4. Do homeopathic medicines have an expiry date?
No. Homeopathic medicines don’t have an expiry date. As long as Globules are white (not yellow) and stored in a glass bottle homeopathic medicine can be consumed.
5. Are there any diet restrictions while taking Homeopathic medicines?
As a general rule there is no restriction of items like onion, garlic, perfume, paan and tobacco. However, while treating diseases, the physician may ask to restrict certain diet or items that may hinder the cure of the diseases or aggravates the condition.
6. Should Homeopathic medicines be consumed before or after food?
Homeopathic medicines can be taken before or after the meal but with a gap of 30 minutes. While taking the medicine the tongue should be clean.
7. Do homeopathic medicines have steroids?
No, homeopathic medicines do not contain steroids. They are vital, harmless, natural and organic medicines.
8. Why does Homeopathy take a longer time?
It is a myth that homoeopathy acts very slowly. Most of the times patient has a long history of chronic illness. Therefore, the treatment takes time. Homoeopathy in fact acts fast in acute conditions such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
9. Does Homeopathy have side effects?
No, homeopathic medicines are prepared by serial dilutions and contain no material substance in them. Hence, no side effects.
10. Why there should be a gap before and after the intake of the homeopathic medicine?
The medicine must be kept on the tongue and not chewed so that it meets the nerves. Hence the tongue is required to have nothing on its surface to interfere with the absorption of medicine. That is why eating anything half an hour before or after is not advised.
11. Can diabetic patients take sweet sugar pellets?
Yes, they can as the amount of sugar is negligible to affect patients of diabetes.
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